Are you struggling with a profit on the poker tables on a consistent basis? Are your results best described as "somewhere around break-even"? First, don't worry because you are not alone. The majority of the poker players achieves the same kind of results. Often, however, it is only a few small adjustments to the poker strategy that can bring your play from mediocre to fantastic-from break-even to crushing it. On this page we will provide you with seven subtle but very effective online poker tips To take your game to the next level. NB; These tricks do not guarantee a profit.

These 5 online poker tricks are ideal for beginners

Think of series, not on hands

It doesn't matter what type of casino poker you play; One of the easiest ways to spot average and starting poker players is to look at how they think about what their opponent has for cards.

Starting poker players try to put someone on a specific poker hand. Advanced poker players, on the other hand, think in terms of series. This way of thinking can be very important when calculating pot odds. A range is the whole spectrum of poker hands that someone can have in a specific situation. For example, player X can have a flush, top pair, middle pair, bottom pair, a draw, bait-high or a complete Air ball bluff.

Good players who already have a few articles about poker strategies Understanding, understanding that player X with this entire series of hands with different frequencies will pop up. They do not concentrate on identifying a single winning hand, but they try to find out those frequencies and then create the best game.

Average players try to put an opponent on exactly {a-heart} {J-Hart} (or another specific hand) because that is "what their feelings tell them." If there is one thing you need to know when you learn the game, then this is that poker strategy tips and "gut feeling" do not go well together. Basing your tournament strategy or cash game game on what you "feel" is never a good idea.

Dump your favorite hand

Many people have a favorite hand. This way we can tell you about the player who every time he gets the old {9-} {7-}-Suit shared his eyes and he wants to play it so badly! But in reality the player knows that {9-} {7-}-Suited is a mediocre hand. It is certainly not one of the best starting hands you can have in a game Texas Hold’em.

It makes sense to play him in some places - late position, for example, in an unopened pot. But this must almost always be folded in early position. If you currently have a number of favorite starting hands, that's fine - most players have that. But do not give them preferred treatment and do not make bad plays with it. Win in Poker Is about mathematics and tough logic, not about superstition. Although many players are superstitious and this doesn't hurt if you think, for example, that a certain few socks brings you luck; of Live poker Can be superstitution.

Use a consistent strategy

Another big key to becoming a good poker player (and perhaps one of the most important poker tips on this page) is to consistently apply a winning strategy.

It is not good to suddenly change things (for example, to open with {9-} {7-}-Suited from an early position or to change yourself into a Calling Station) only because you are bored or tilted. All the learning, the experience and the study that you have gained over the years has provided you with sufficient knowledge, so that you now know how to play Texas Hold 'em. But your poker strategy is only useful if you apply it to the poker tables during all your poker games.

Every hand counts and every session counts. The best poker players, those who know how to win, apply the same winning strategy time and time again, regardless of how they feel or what their recent results have been.

Know when to fold your aces

Another clear difference between average poker players and good poker players is the ability to fold an overpair. Do you know that sick feeling that you get if you have {a-} {a-} and a tight opponent all-in raist on the turn? You make the so -called "crying call" and it turns the set again. You have to pay attention to that feeling more often.

Certain patterns are easy to recognize at the lower stakes - especially if you play online poker - where it is 100 percent the right play to fold your overpair. Good players can release any emotional attachment to their beautiful looking hands. Average players are married to their aces or kings and cannot let them go even if they know they are defeated. And this is of course a shame of their bankroll.

Don't play bad games

Another way in which starting poker players can sabotage their poker results is by stubbornly playing in games that are full of decent to good regulars. If you can't find anyone at the table that plays very badly, then you have to wonder why you are even there. It is best to search for a table with players of your own level or lower.

If you only play poker for the mental challenge or relaxation or pleasure, then it is fine to sit at a table with better players. This poker tip does not necessarily apply to you.

But if winning real money or sheets is a priority for you, then you have to remember that you do not make a significant win in poker by playing small sides against good poker players. You win great by playing against players who make important fundamental mistakes and give away their money in the long term. As the classic movie Rounders reminds us: "If you can't see De Sukkel at the table in your first half hour, then you're the fool."

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I learn from experienced poker players?

Yes, it is better to observe them from a distance than to play against them.

With which tables can I best connect as a beginner?

At tables where players are of the same level.

Can I try poker for free in the casino?

Yes, you can't play tournaments for free, but you can play casino poker in the demo version.

Is it possible to win free access to a poker tournament for real money?

Yes, although you have to win a number of free poker tournaments for this and that is not easy.

Can I play poker from my cell phone?

Yes, this is very possible from different online casino sites.